Tag Archives: Kitchen

Too much going on or am I just too lazy to blog?

Ms. Ciprilla

Ms. Ciprilla

Well, apparently I’m too lazy to write too, so I’ll just share with pictures and maybe a few captions. I’ll say one thing though. I’m glad we did this when we did with the economy being the way it is.  I love the countertop best of all. We sort of splurged (well for us it was a splurge) on it because I figured things  being the way they are we will probably not move out of this house for a while.

This is a very odd shot of our Kitchen before the cabinets and counter. My husband took the photo:

Kitchen island before

Kitchen island before

A better view

A better view

Here are the after shots (I’ll have to get more shots when there’s better light – we still need to install some tracklighting):

Food Pantry near the sink

Food Pantry near the sink

Kitchen shot

Kitchen shot

Countertop next to the fridge

Countertop next to the fridge

Lovely countertop on the island

Lovely countertop on the island


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